Pheroze | Psychic Medium | Plant Medicine

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Is Mental Health Static or Fluid?

Due to stigma, societal conditioning, cultural dogma, and a lack of accessible resources, we have a tendency to think of mental health as being in a state of good or bad.

The truth is:

Mental health is fluid and runs across a spectrum of factors.

Our mental health does not exist within a binary state.

Mental health encompasses:

  • Behavorial, emotional, physical, and social indicators.

  • Changes in our brain and body.

  • Mental Wellness.

  • Mental Health Challenges.

  • Mental Illnesses.

Let's take a look at those last 3.

Mental Wellness is when one can:

  • Recognize their own inner resources & abilties.

  • Cope with every day stressors.

  • Be satisfied with their presence and performance at work/school/home.

  • Contribute as desired to their community and circles.

A Mental Health Challenge is when:

There is a major change in a person's thinking, feeling, or behavior which:

  • Interferes with their ability to function as desired.

  • Lasts longer than normal and doesn't pass as typical emotions or reactions would be expected to pass.

A Mental Health Illness is when:

  • Significant and consistent changes in emotions, behavior and/or thinking occur.

  • Consistent distress and/or ability to function in social, family, or work situations arise.

  • A set of criteria are met for a diagnosis. A note: Only a licensed professional is qualified to do this.

Here are two truths about Mental Health:

You can have a mental health challenge without having a mental health diagnosis.


You can have a diagnosable mental illness and be mentally well.

In the same way our mental health is a fluid state, so is our ability to cope with every day stressors. A situation that one person can shrug off may set off a mental health challenge for someone else.

Our ability to stay within a zone of mental wellness is affected by:

  • Genetics

  • Early childhood conditioning

  • Environment

  • External stressors

  • Hormones

  • Social support

Everyone is different in this regard. What works for you may not work for someone else.

TL;DR: Be kind. And think before you 'prescribe' your solution to someone else.

As a Creative Growth Coach, a microdosing coach, and a plant medicine guide, I help my clients remove a ton of mental blocks impeding their desired transformation. I’d love to help you develop strategies to get yourself through mental health challenges faster and more effectively. Reach out for a free consultation.